Self Care & Love / clay mask

4-MINUTE CLEAR SKIN ROUTINE Using Raw African Black Soap AND Bentonite Clay Based Face Mask - Neter Gold

4-MINUTE CLEAR SKIN ROUTINE Using Raw African Black Soap AND Bentonite Clay Based Face Mask

Employee #7:All right, folks. So we're back at this again. I'm going to show you real quick how to beautify yourself, extra pretty, in about three minutes and 48 seconds. Okay, super chill. So to start out, what you do, is you just take a little bit of face mask, right? This is our coffee cocoa. Hey Chris, coffee cocoa, right? That's what you're using?Khrys:Mm-hmm (affirmative).Employee #7:Coffee cocoa?Khrys:Mm-hmm (affirmative).Employee #7:Okay. She's asleep right now, so I'm just going to bother her while she does that. I'm using the coffee cocoa face mask right there. And I'm just going to make...

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